After Harry Met Sally

by Stephen Paul Foster_______________releasing October 10


The parental investigations of a tortured young man

“Harry” met “Sally”–their names changed to protect the guilty–on a blind date in 1969 that culminated in an inebriated coupling in the back seat of an Oldsmobile at a drive-in movie theater. Nine months after this first and only date, “Sally” gave birth to Joseph. After Harry met Sally, then, is the story of Joseph’s growing up, a compelling confession of a tortured young man struggling to understand his brilliant, driven, but self-destructive mother and to come to grips with the mystery of “Harry,” who disappeared when he learned of “Sally’s” “family way.”

Joseph’s “good fortune,” he tells the reader at the beginning of his narrative, was to have a mother and father whose long lives of “misbehaving” were also devastating statements of decadence and deviance that become a fascinating drama with an emotional wallop. What was “wrong” with Harry and Sally, in Joseph’s telling, was becomes a commentary on the raging pathologies of the power-elite in contemporary America. The careers of Harry and Sally, as captured by their son, compose a chronicle of disillusionment and deviance – a droll and sardonic commentary on the darkness and corruption that marks the modern world.

After Harry met Sally is a sequel to Toward the Bad I Kept on Turning.